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Seed Syncing & Moon Seeds
What is seed syncing?
Seed syncing, or seed cycling, is a daily nutrition practice using seeds recommended by naturopaths and nutritionists to help support and improve women’s menstrual cycles. Women eat specific combinations of four seeds depending on which phase of the menstrual cycle they're in.
Each seed had a micronutrient or chemical compound that can help support the body’s ability to naturally modulate the production and elimination of sex hormones, like estrogen and progesterone. Balancing these hormones can help improve a number of period-related symptoms.
What benefits can I expect from seed syncing?
Every body experiences different period-related symptoms, often related to hormonal imbalance. When you use nutrition-based practices, like seed syncing, to support your body in achieving better hormonal balance you can see a number of benefits.
Here is what our subscribers have reported:
✔️ More regular periods
✔️ Reduced cramps
✔️ Clearer skin
✔️ Minimized mood swings
✔️ Less menstrual migraines
✔️ Better sleep quality
✔️ Improved fertility
✔️ Reduction in PCOS symptoms
What are Moon Seeds?
Moon Seeds provide the exact quantities of organic, raw seeds needed to practice seed syncing each month. With a monthly subscription, you get both Phase 1 and Phase 2 Moon Seeds.
Phase 1 Moon Seeds combine organic brown flax seeds with organic pumpkin seeds. You’ll take one scoop (included) of this mix daily starting the first day of your period for 14 days.
Phase 2 Moon Seeds mix organic natural sesame seeds with organic sunflower seeds. When you finish 14 days of Phase 1, you’ll start with one scoop (included) of this combination daily for another 14 days. Restart Phase 1 immediately after finishing Phase 2.
What if I'm not getting a period?
If you aren’t getting your period or it’s irregular, start with Phase 1 on the New Moon. Switch to Phase 2 on the Full Moon and so on. The lunar cycle is 28-days and provides a good rhythm for your body to mimic if you’re experiencing amenorrhea (missed periods for 3+ months) or super irregular cycles.
What if my cycle isn’t 28 days or I don’t ovulate on Day 15?
You’re nudging your body to follow a 28-day rhythm, which is characteristic on an ideal menstrual cycle. Always start Phase 2 on Day 15, immediately upon finishing Phase 1, even if you don’t ovulate that day. After you finish Phase 2, immediately restart Phase 1— even if your cycle is longer than 28 days and your period has yet to come.
If I have PCOS and/or endometriosis, can I seed sync?
Yes, you’ll likely want to use seed syncing in conjunction with other modalities, but seed syncing is a PCOS- and endometriosis-friendly practice that many women use to help balance hormone levels and improve PCOS and endometriosis symptoms. However, always talk to your doctor before implementing a new practice.
Can seed syncing still benefit me if I use the pill/IUD?
Definitely, one of the best use cases for seed syncing is supporting your transition off using hormonal birth control. However, many subscribers see symptom improvement while on birth control or having an IUD.
Can I seed sync if I'm pregnant or breastfeeding?
We don’t suggest seed syncing while pregnant, but it can be a great tool postpartum to get your cycle back on track. Share the ingredients with your doctor or healthcare practitioner for their approval when breastfeeding.
Can I seed sync if I'm perimenopausal?
Yes, women have reported lessened perimenopausal symptoms from seed syncing, easing the transition into this new life phase.
Do the seeds have to be freshly ground? Why?
Yes, to follow the seed syncing practice correctly, the seeds must be ground before being consumed. When ground, the micronutrients and chemical compounds in the seeds become more bioavailable and are more readily assimilated by the body.
You can purchase a seed grinder from us with your first order for best results or you can use a coffee grinder or high speed blender from home.
Why are flax seeds and pumpkin seeds helpful?
Flax seeds contain nearly 100x more lignans than other lignan-rich foods. When ground and consumed , the lignans in flax can help alleviate period-related breast pain and detoxify the body of excess hormones. Flax seeds are also a great source of Magnesium, Zinc, and Vitamin B1.
Pumpkin seeds are rich in Magnesium and Zinc, both of which have been shown to alleviate PMS symptoms from reduced cramping to minimized menstrual migraines.
Why are sesame seeds and sunflower seeds helpful?
Sesame seeds may be small, but their health-promoting benefits are plenty. Not only are sesame seeds rich in cancer-fighting lignans, they are a great source of Magnesium, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B6, and Zinc.
These powerhouse providers of Magnesium, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B6, Vitamin E, and Zinc have micronutrients that can help alleviate breast pain, period cramps, and menstrual migraines
How many seeds do I eat daily?
Each Phase of Moon Seeds has enough seeds for 14 days and contains a plastic scoop equivalent to 2 tbsp. Eat 1 scoop (= 2 tbsp) of Moon Seeds.
If you're making the recipes for Phase 1 and Phase 2 that we send out each month, it will be indicated on the recipe card what your daily serving size should be.
How long until I see improvements?
Natural solutions aren’t an overnight fix, so continue seed syncing for at least three full cycles. Most subscribers see full benefits by six months. Eating healthy, exercising regularly, and managing stress well can help you see improvements sooner. If you have PCOS or endometriosis, be more patient with your body and continue seed syncing for 6-12 months.
Is there any science behind seed syncing?
Although scientific research into natural practices like ours aren’t as robust as we’d like— we can talk about the role of Big Pharma on scientific research topics another time— there are interesting studies that correlate and seeds and/or their micronutrients or chemical compounds with benefits in women’s health, in particular menstrual and hormonal health. You can request a copy of our scientific literature review by email (

My Account & Subscription
Do I have to order Moon Seeds as part of a subscription? Why?
Originally, Moon Seeds were only available as part of a subscription; there is no minimum commitment— you can cancel at anytime— but we learned from our customers that they wanted an à la carte option, so we created one.
We still encourage you to purchase Moon Seeds as a subscription for you to truly commit to seed syncing— a natural practice— for a minimum of three months.
How can I make changes to my subscription?
You can login to your Food Period Customer Portal to make changes to your subscription, including updating your delivery schedule or adding/removing subscriptions from your account.
Can I switch from a 1-month to 3-month subscription?
Yes, login to your Food Period Customer Portal, then select Subscriptions > Shop > 3-Months Supply.
How do I skip a month?
Login to your Food Period Customer Portal, then select Delivery Schedule > 'Skip' charge.
Do you ship internationally?
Yes, we ship anywhere our shipping partners deliver and proudly service customers around the world.
How quickly can I expect my order to be fulfilled?
During business days, you can expect your order to ship within 24 hours. If you order on a weekend or holiday, please allow for 48-72 hours for fulfillment.
How long will it take for my order to arrive? (USA)
Once our team has fulfilled your order and it's in the hands of our shipping partners, you will receive a tracking number where you can see an expected delivery date.
In general, once fulfilled, you can expect your order to reach you in 2-5 business days.

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