Adding More Carbs To Your Diet Can Help Promote Fertility

Nutrition is imperative for fertility and preconception for so many reasons. For one, our hormones are made from nutrients we get from food. And there are specific nutrients needed for a healthy menstrual cycle and even for ovulation to occur. As well, our blood sugar balance, which is highly affected by the foods we eat, directly impacts our hormones and periods.

When eating to support the body in the preconception phase, giving the body optimal fuel and nutrients is key. This means ditching restrictive diets, especially those low in carbs or fats and focusing less on calories and more on nutrients and food quality. Not eating enough food overall (especially carbs) is one of the main hindrances to ovulation. Simply aim to eat regular meals and listen to your hunger and fullness signals, as well as your cravings.

If your periods are irregular or you struggle with symptoms, consider seed cycling or seed syncing

And lastly, starting a quality prenatal vitamin 3-6 months before conception is a good idea.

To read more on fertility and nutrition, check out our dedicated section to the topic on our blog, Period Matters. Our seed syncing can help you balance your hormones naturally, shop our organic moon seeds or moon bites today.


This is an excerpt from a post written by Kim Perez, MA, FNTP, a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and owner of Root and Branch Nutrition. She specializes in helping expectant and new moms thrive postpartum and through motherhood while feeling amazing in their bodies after having babies. Kim is passionate about all things women's health and wellness, particularly filling the major gaps in postpartum care and support as well as helping moms overcome challenges like fatigue, chronic stress, hormonal imbalances, painful periods, digestive symptoms, body image struggles, and more. Check her out on Instagram. Abridged content curated and edited by Nayla Al-Mamlouk.

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