Unwanted Side Effects Of Inflammatory Foods And What To Eat Instead

Have you ever noticed that Advil, Ibuprofen, or Aleve reduce your menstrual pain and cramps more than Tylenol? That’s because they’re anti-inflammatory medications, while Tylenol is not.

You’ve probably also heard that certain foods can be inflammatory. These tend to include fried and processed food, sugar, alcohol, as well as conventionally-raised meat and dairy. Inflammation translates to many unwanted symptoms, but from a women’s health perspective, we are talking about:

When inflammatory foods are consumed too often (or at all for some women), they can increase cortisol (a stress hormone), decrease thyroid hormones, contribute to weight gain, and disrupt the estrogen/progesterone balance.

When it comes to balancing hormones and reducing inflammation, focus on antioxidants and omega-3 rich foods. These include berries, colorful veggies, hemp and flax seeds, along with wild pacific salmon or rainbow trout.

To read more about nutritions role in balancing your hormones, check out our dedicated section to the topic on our blog, Period Matters. Our seed syncing can help you balance your hormones naturally, shop our organic moon seeds or moon bites today.

This is an excerpt from a post written by Dr. Meghan McNaughton, ND, a Naturopathic Doctor with a special interest in women's health, fertility, and digestion. She works with her patients to identify the underlying cause and barriers that are preventing them from reaching their health goals. Check her out on Instagram. Abridged content curated and edited by Nayla Al-Mamlouk. 

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