Why Rebalancing The Gut Microbiome Is Key To Eliminating Estrogen Dominance

When it comes to estrogen, there is a large group of bacteria collectively known as the estrobolome that impacts estrogen metabolism. In particular there is an enzyme called beta-glucuronidase that “bad bacteria” in this estrobolome produce. 

In order for estrogen, and other toxins, to leave the body, they have to be processed, or conjugated, in the liver. This essentially means they need a special ticket to board the poop train. The pesky beta-glucuronidase enzyme actually takes the estrogen’s ticket away meaning the estrogen is reabsorbed back into the body, usually in a more toxic form.

The key to rebalance the gut microbiome:

  • Eliminating any Poisonous Bacteria
  • Strategically Pulling the Opportunistic Bacteria Rather than Dumping Toxins on your Gut 
  • Creating the Environment for the Good Bacteria to Grow

This naturally brings down beta-glucuronidase into a healthy range allowing your estrogen to be eliminated properly.

Another nutrient, called calcium-d-glucarate, can also help to reduce this enzyme. However, if it’s possible to locate the root-cause and put out that fire all together, that’s your best bet. 

To read more posts about gut health, check out our dedicated section to the topic on our blog, Period Matters. Our seed syncing can help you balance your hormones naturally, shop our organic moon seeds or moon bites.

This is an excerpt from a post written by Dr. Leah Gordon, ND, an expert in root-cause medicine, dedicated to uncovering the sources of hormonal, gut, and sex drive imbalances, with a love for supporting women prior to pregnancy. Check her out on Instagram. Abridged content curated and edited by Nayla Al-Mamlouk.

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